Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy April Fool's Day!!!

I love April Fools Day. I think it all started with my family. I remember my dad setting off the smoke alarm countless times while my mom was in the shower, only to have her coming running outside wearing only a towel. And, my mom didn’t limit her culinary expression of holiday spirit to food coloring. I distinctly remember some intentionally disgusting pancakes on April Fools Day growing up. As a child, I have a vivid memory of trying to “fool” my family. One such debacle included my little brother, Matt, a lot of fake fighting and yelling, and me laying on the kitchen floor with ketchup squirted all over my legs.

So, I thought I would bring my love of the holiday into my marriage, like a good little wife. After adding baking powder to Byron’s water at breakfast (a tiny amount), I was informed that he does not enjoy celebrating April Fool’s Day. Killjoy.

So, I had to set my sights on my co-workers. I have a recently pregnant co-worker who is very devious in nature and she convinced me to send out an email announcement in regards to my “pregnancy.” I wasn’t sure I could do that without Byron’s permission, so I CCed him on our email to see if he was okay with that joke. He promptly responded that he would send the same thing to his co-workers. (Only later did I find out that my devious co-worker, Cristina, had put him up to that to get me to go along with it!) Long story short, I made many many people in my office VERY VERY happy for about one minute, before I sent them another email wishing them a Happy April Fools Day. Priceless. It takes a very funny girl (and some coercion from her coworker) to send a fake pregnancy email to her boss. Social workers have all the fun!!


The Bentley's said...

funny kimmy! katie called me this morning with the same prank.... i bleived her for 2 seconds... then called my bro jeff and told him the same thing started to fake cry... i could tell he felt really bad for me seeing that olivia and the "new one" would only be 14 mohts apart:) hehehe i love april fools too... although i'm not nearly as fun as yoU!
p.s. i'll have you know when i made rockies pancakes the whole time i was thinking of you and your green popeye pancakes for st. pattys:) so thanks!

Carmen said...

Ya, must be in the air. My little brother who has been married for 2 months (barely) tried the same thing. I caught on quickly, but there was just a little piece of me that wasn't sure what to believe. Mean! But funny. Gosh, I am boring, I didn't do anything!

Renee said...

You're a little nerd and I LOVE it! This is one of the first April Fools days where I didn't play or receive any pranks. Lame-O!! What is 30 doing to me??

Rachel said...

TWO POSTS!!!! What is going on in CALI? You are a funny April Fools-er, I did nothing for it so I must be a grinch!

Brian said...

Nice work Kim! I tricked the bishop in thinking the Ali was pregnant. He wasn't amused. Party poopers.

Maxine Parrish said...

Uh, speaking of pregnancies...